PSU AAUP Statement on Racial Justice

We were shocked by the senseless killing of yet another Black person — George Floyd — at the hands of those charged with protecting us. We shout so all can hear within our own community and beyond that Black lives matter; this means our Black students, faculty, and staff, and all Black lives, matter. Silence, especially at this moment, is not an option. We must do more than carry a sign or make a statement: we have to act. We also must listen and encourage others to do so.
We join with the courageous and strong voices across campus and the Nation; in particular, we add our names to the growing list of those in our community already expressing solidarity with Tevis Bryant’s recent letter to the Cabinet. Racial justice is not a policy or program—it is a necessity! We must not tolerate inequities, racism in any form, or implicit bias.
We reaffirm the role of academic freedom and shared governance in shaping our vision, strategies and actions related to racial justice and equality. Institutional autonomy is also at risk and must similarly be protected. We further recognize the threats in progress to academic programs, particularly in the Humanities, which emphasize the role of diversity, condemn injustice, understand history, illuminate politics, and repudiate violence. Accounting for centuries of violence and discrimination against black and indigenous people and other people of color has to be part of the education we offer all students. We will continue to join and sponsor deliberate actions across campus and in the broader community—combatting racism is everyone’s job.
The Executive Committee of the Plymouth State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors

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