a heart logo with hands on itA caring community is a community where all members are included and valued. In addition to assuring that the basic needs of all members are met, a caring community: amplifies individual strengths for the good of the collective; meets individual weaknesses with compassion and support; accepts members for who we are as people; and nurtures us to be the best students, scholars, and professionals that we can be. A caring community welcomes the productive tension that arises from different perspectives as it centers the shared values of balance, equity, kindness, and social justice. Join us as we work together to make Plymouth State a more caring community.

Current Care Act : The CCC Pledge

As a community and as individuals, we aspire to find balance.  We strive to find balance between our work and our lives.  We aim to make positive choices to help us find balance between challenging ourselves to learn and grow through our work/academic responsibilities, while also validating ourselves as human beings by ensuring that our basic physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.  In short, we aspire together to find balance between work and self-care, between doing and being.  We aim to continue to work towards this balance within ourselves and to also encourage others in our community to find that balance as well. 

In an effort to promote a healthy PSU work environment we encourage our community to strive for a healthy work/life balance to foster a community of care and promote student, faculty and staff retention and well-being. Join us and pledge to make PSU a more balanced place to work and learn!

Take the pledge

Past & Ongoing Care Acts